Officers’ Meeting 16th May 2017

 Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting

Tuesday 16th May 2017  


  1. Notes of last meeting. Approved, subject to amendment of reference to the SHA AGM agreeing to elect 2 not 4 vice chairs.


  1. Arising
    1. Membership list: agreed- the Wales members list supplied by the Director did not meet our needs; secretary to seek different form of report showing individual members, link persons with bodies affiliated bodies to SHA Wales, and lapsed members
    2. UK manifesto outcome: it was agreed that the 2017 Manifesto had picked up some of the issues SHA had submitted.
    3. Welsh Conference: agreed, SHA Cymru Wales had had some impact from its work on rule changes; noted- there remained a high level of stage management of Conference.


  1. Action on work programme
    1. Pharmacy costs: secretary was still seeking to meet with B.E. to obtain his advice
    2. Issues of collaboration between Welsh and UK Front benches and the Arch project status to be pursued after the election.
    3. Nurse staffing legislation: agreed – await feedback from Pip following further discussions with Assembly contacts.


  1. UK matters – report back
  2. a) Election of Vice Chairs: noted, both Vice Chairs come from

Wales – Alison Scouller and Tony Beddow; both had had a first

discussion with the Chair re roles

  1. b) Policy development: noted the Assembly (Parliamentary) Review of health and social care was underway and a number of themes had emerged that might aid thinking (Integration, Change Management, Workforce, Public Ownership, Governance, Technology).


  1. Treasurers report

SHA Cymru had a  balance of £580-39.


  1. Legislation watch

           The following were in hand – Abolition of Right to Buy Bill, Trade Union

Wales Bill. The Public Health Bill was being considered again. An

Obesity Strategy was also being considered as part of the Bill.


  1. O.B Agreed: a protocol for advertisements being  carried by the  SHA main web site was needed.


Date of next meeting    22nd June 4pm Cardiff.