Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting
Tuesday 16th May 2017
- Notes of last meeting. Approved, subject to amendment of reference to the SHA AGM agreeing to elect 2 not 4 vice chairs.
- Arising
- Membership list: agreed- the Wales members list supplied by the Director did not meet our needs; secretary to seek different form of report showing individual members, link persons with bodies affiliated bodies to SHA Wales, and lapsed members
- UK manifesto outcome: it was agreed that the 2017 Manifesto had picked up some of the issues SHA had submitted.
- Welsh Conference: agreed, SHA Cymru Wales had had some impact from its work on rule changes; noted- there remained a high level of stage management of Conference.
- Action on work programme
- Pharmacy costs: secretary was still seeking to meet with B.E. to obtain his advice
- Issues of collaboration between Welsh and UK Front benches and the Arch project status to be pursued after the election.
- Nurse staffing legislation: agreed – await feedback from Pip following further discussions with Assembly contacts.
- UK matters – report back
- a) Election of Vice Chairs: noted, both Vice Chairs come from
Wales – Alison Scouller and Tony Beddow; both had had a first
discussion with the Chair re roles
- b) Policy development: noted the Assembly (Parliamentary) Review of health and social care was underway and a number of themes had emerged that might aid thinking (Integration, Change Management, Workforce, Public Ownership, Governance, Technology).
- Treasurers report
SHA Cymru had a balance of £580-39.
- Legislation watch
The following were in hand – Abolition of Right to Buy Bill, Trade Union
Wales Bill. The Public Health Bill was being considered again. An
Obesity Strategy was also being considered as part of the Bill.
- O.B Agreed: a protocol for advertisements being carried by the SHA main web site was needed.
Date of next meeting 22nd June 4pm Cardiff.