Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting
Wednesday 11th March 2015 4 pm Cardiff
Present: Alison Scouller Pip Ford Tony Beddow
- Notes of the last meeting These were agreed
- Matters Arising from the AGM
- Welsh Conference and Primary care policy
Noted: the motion to create a salaried GP service in Wales was accepted by Welsh Labour Conference. It was agreed that we should seek a meeting with Andrew Goodall to explore way ahead now and also explore with the BMA whether we could work together on this . Also agreed: Alison will explore the Welsh Labour Policy Forum process as a vehicle to make progress. Madeleine Brindley to be kept informed.
- Web Ex discussion
One member had expressed some interest in linking up but had not connected to the meeting. However, the technology worked and we would retain it as a facility for every officer meeting and remind members again of the option.
- Welsh Labour Policy Forum
As noted above, Alison would research the membership and timescales of this process as a means of furthering the development of the salaried GP service.
- Welsh Web Site
- Next members meeting : topic and site
Agreed: invite the CMO to talk about the Public Health Bill and the
Future Generations Bill ; aim for a September meeting and also invite
English colleagues. Venue: hopefully Unison Cardiff.
- Treasurers report
There was a balance of £527-24p. The secretary returned £1 of
overpaid fees for the Welsh Conference. Agreed: the sum of £25
claimed from SHA UK as affiliation fees should be offered back to the
Director unless affiliation to another CLP became possible.
- Forthcoming Welsh legislation
PF summarised the Acts now being considered in their various stages.
These included: Social Services Act – Consultation on Regulations, Well-
being and Future Generations Bills, Regulation and Inspection Bill and t
the Safe Staffing levels Bill. Pip agreed to lodge an update on the web
Agreed: Dr Ruth Hussey to be asked to speak on the Public Health Bill at a future meeting. Agreed: PF to upload report to SHA web site.
- Noted: the NHS Commisison for Wales was now dead.
2. Noted: the Bill by Caroline Lucas to re-instate the N