Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting
Wednesday 14 October 2015 4-15pm Pip Ford’s Office
Present Alison Scouller, Tony Beddow, Pip Ford
- Notes of last meeting : Agreed subject to changing item 7 to refer to this being a sequel to the Central Council meeting where the next AGM was proposed to be held in Wales.
- Arising
- AM selection (Gower) Noted; in the event, no nomination was made because of lack of clarity about the timetable for selection and the right of SHA to nominate. Members had however been asked about their wishes. Agreed: those candidates who had sought our support would be advised of the outcome.
- b) Primary Care paper Chair and secretary had met with Grant
Duncan and a revised paper had been submitted to the WPF.
- c) SHA Cymru Wales Web site Secretary had discussed creating
such a site with Ms Terri Kennedy; agreed: proceed with design
and acquiring a .cymru domain name, Officers to meet specially to
refine the design brief, site to be created behind a wall so that it
can be refined before going public
- d) Green paper: response Members comments had now been
received and a submission would be sent in the next few days
- e) Central Council Alison had raised the issue of SHA nominating
Jeremy Corbyn and was advised that our understanding of the
decision reached at last Central Council (not to poll members
re their wishes) was not one others supported. It was noted that
SHA Wales was pleased with the outcome of the poll.
- f) Director’s email re policy process This was noted
g)Sequel to last members meeting Noted: the meeting had been a
good event and on the night it seemed that, from correspondence
received after the meeting that the demonstrators had been
reassured about the role played in the DWP by Prof Sir Mansel
Aylward and their worries were the result of mis-information.
- Next members meeting : topic and site
The secretary was in contact with Vaughan Gething’s ministerial office.
Possible dates were agreed.
- Treasurers report The current balance was £545-39p with £20 cash to bank.
The invoice for the room used for the last members meeting was
- . Legislation watch There was nothing to add to the last report
- AGM Arrangements Agreed: this would take place in February, possibly at the Wales Labour Conference in North Wales.
- Next officers meeting This would be the working meeting to design the web site on 25th November (or 27th if 25th was not possible).