Notes of SHA Cymru Wales Officers Meeting April 25th 2013
Present: Alison Scouller, Philippa Ford, Tony Beddow
- Notes of last meeting – 13th March were agreed.
- Arising
- Two responses had been received in respect of the “capacities letter” from Aneurin Bevan and Hywel Dda Boards
- The secretary had been guest speaker at the Caerphilly CLP who now wished to affiliate. Swansea Labour left had also affiliated. Noted: there was no option for direct affiliation to Wales SHA but SHA UK would support Wales financially if required.
- Pip gave a further report on the progress of the Social Care Bill which was now in its scrutiny phase. This was revealing some of the tensions between Welsh Government and local government.
- National Council
The next national Council was the AGM in June where it was expected that the
secretary appointed after the AGM would attend. The balance of UK and Wales
activity of officers was discussed and it was confirmed that officers should remain
engaged with the UK agenda, assist where possible, but should concentrate on
developing further the profile of SHA Cymru Wales.
As part of this it was felt that officers should try to arrange for a number of
position papers to be crafted. The topics would be tested out at the AGM but these
might include:
Rebuttal of myths and lies about the Welsh NHS
The challenges of community care
Wales’ first legislative experience – good or bad?
Public Health Issues in Wales
Wales and Francis
Joint meetings with other bodies – e,g, Trade Unions and professional bodies
would be considered.
It was noted that Julian Hart had recently been poorly but was remaining active
as President.
SHA Wales views on the design of the web site had been commented upon by
others; agreed, this might be raised again at the AGM.
- Meeting with the Minister
It was agreed to seek to meet the Welsh Health Minister soon to offer assistance
where he required it and to explore ideas for re-designing the links between
primary and social care and the urgent assessment capability (hospital and
ambulance) of secondary care. Secretary to draft letter
- AGM Arrangements
The arrangements were confirmed. Part of the meeting would be open to guests. It was agreed to publicise this. Richard Bourne, Chair of the Central Council would be attending.
- Treasurer report The treasurer reported a current balance of £612.39
Date of Next meeting: To be confirmed after the AGM