Officers’ Meeting 2nd July 2015

Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting

Thursday 2 July 2015 Cardiff


Present: Alison Scouller (Chair) Pip Ford (Treasurer)Tony Beddow (Secretary)



  1. Notes of the last meeting These were agreed with the addition of “Aberavon” after “Gower” in item 3.


  1. Matters Arising
  2. a) The following affiliations were agreed on the basis of membership, costs, and opportunity to exert influence : Cardiff West and Gower. Agreed: secretary to write and confirm.

b)The secretary apologised for not arranging a WebEx session on this agenda. Agreed: this will be a standing item for all meetings and members alerted accordingly.


  1. Meeting with BMA    

Alison reported on the outcome of a mainly positive meeting with the BMA on enhancing primary care. BMA (Wales) appeared willing to offer advice and comment on any policy papers that SHA developed – recognising that whilst we both shared some common ground, our agendas would diverge on some issues.


  1. a) Alison would look for evidence of our Conference motion in the drafts being prepared discussed at the Welsh Policy Forum (WPF) on 4th July.
  2. b) Secretary would alert Madeleine Brindley of current position and intentions.
  3. c) Secretary would craft an outline “starter” policy paper to which other members would be invited to contribute.
  4. d) A meeting would be sought with Director NHS Wales (or senior staff) once firmer proposals were available.
  5. WPF

The current status of the WPF work was noted. Papers were being distributed tomorrow for discussion the following day and it was agreed that Alison would speak with colleagues on Friday if necessary.

It was also agreed that Alison would raise the issue of the status of any documents produced – with the expectation that any papers being discussed could be freely shared with SHA Wales membership. Agreed: Alison would seek to clarify the complete timetable and process for drafting the manifesto.

  1. Central Council / AGM

Alison reported on the June CC in London. The meeting now seemed more amenable to discussing the impact of the election results on the SHA’s structure and governance and had agreed to set up another group to consider this. The Chair offered no explanation for his actions after the CC in instructing the Director not to answer correspondence from the Welsh SHA secretary (writing in his capacity as Vice Chair) but he had asked to visit Wales the better to understand our concerns.


It was felt that such a visit was not necessary at this time.


Alison would attend the next CC in Brighton; the attendance of others would be ascertained.


  1. Next all Member meeting

An invite had been extended to Professor Sir Mansel Aylward to speak in September but no reply had been received. It was agreed to invite Vaughan Gething to speak on how Welsh NHS delivery was both perceived and actually overseen / improved. The meeting would be in Cardiff one evening or Saturday morning – hopefully video linked to other locations – and with UK SHA members also invited.


  1. Forthcoming Welsh legislation

Pip Ford updated officers with progress on Bills now being considered in their various stages. The Safe Nurse Staffing (Wales) Bill had now been debated and a motion to accept it in principle had been passed. Stage 2 would occur in July and much work is needed on costs and other implications. The report will be placed on the web site.


  1. Treasurers report

There was a balance of £545-39p.

  1. AOB
  2. a) The Lords Economic Affairs committee was seeking evidence on funding the devolved administrations. It was agreed that the secretary would modify his recent letter to Jane Hutt and submit this as our evidence.
  3. b) The Chair reported conversations with the SEA about their governance and it was agreed that this would be discussed at the next meeting.


Date of next meeting

6th August 2015 4pm Cardiff