All members meeting
Tuesday 19 January 2021 7pm via ZOOM
Present: Alison Scouller (Chair), Linda Lewis, Sue Thomas, Tony Beddow (TB), Adrian Sharratt, Jim Rafferty, Brian Gibbons, Christine Bryan, Ruth Sharratt, Pip Ford, Mike Bird, Anthony Wedlake, Jackie Owen, Pat Lewis
Apologies: Mike Hedges, John Wilson, Sian Wilson, Uta Clay, Bob Clay, David Ll Davies, Kait Duerden, Donna Hutton
Speaker: Dr Michael Herepath
- Chair introduced meeting and speaker
- Dr Michael Herepath has set up market access strategy consultancy focussing on rare/orphan diseases. He gave a power point presentation explaining the pharma industry, health care and pharmaceuticals, and comparing the value of life and innovation.
He explained the different types of pharmaceuticals, chemical based, biopharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. Explaining that the pharma markets are more regulated than the arms market.
Health care expenditure is continuing to rise due to longer living and more complex diseases. Pharmaceuticals can be accepted for use in one country but rejected in others. Therefore, people in one country may have access to medicines that are denied in others.
Dr Herepath posed the question ‘How do you reconcile the value of a life with the cost of medicine?’
The presentation was followed by questions from the floor.
- How to get pharma industry to research and produce medicine for most people?
- We cannot because it is a commercial business
- How can we get pharma to be open and honest about reporting all data?
- It will never happen, there is no such thing as total disclosure
- Can countries get together to form their own pharma industry?
- There is nothing to stop them
- Minutes of last meeting 9/12/20 agreed
- Matters Arising – regarding rule change for devolved matters on hold
- Treasurer reported that auditors have completed the audit and thanked them for the work. The form for donations will be circulated once the bank mandate is completed. Possibly considering changing banking at HSBC for discussion at next AGM.
- Policy discussion – final document submitted to Wales Labour. Aspects of the contents were also submitted through several CLP’s. AS to enquire about sending to Mark Drakeford. AS
- Scotland –joint meeting 1/2/21 on Social Care.
- Alison Scouller and Tony Beddow gave an update on SHA UK
- AGM’s in England are ongoing but there is a question about probity
- Proposing to put motion into SHA UK AGM about constitution
- Nominations for Central Council and officers by 6/2/21
- Current SHA UK officers are not acting as officers
- SHA UK all members meeting with Allyson Pollock 30/1/21
- Future SHAC all member meetings – Digital Inclusion Alliance Wales. ST to send contact to LL. Depending on speaker possibly end of Feb/beginning of March meeting
- AOB – Adrian Sharratt thanked speaker and TB.
AS reported that Mary Hart has sent notice of Swansea University Medical students holding conference in honour of Julian Tudor Hart on 30/1/21.