Minutes of Officers Meeting
Thursday 6th August 2015
- WebEx links
No member had indicated a wish to join the meeting via WebEx
- Notes of last meeting
These were agreed
- Matters arising not on the agenda
Evidence to House Of Lords committee on funding of
devolved bodies: Agreed; submission to be made using the draft created
by the secretary.
- Welsh Policy Forum
The policy papers discussed at the policy session were noted. The reference
to a salaried primary care service was welcomed. Agreed: more should be
done to encourage physical activity at school
- SEA constitution
Agreed: secretary to seek out a copy of this and peruse.
- Next member meeting
Noted: the next members meeting would be on September 8th at 7pm and tre guest speaker will be Professor Sir Mansel Aylward who will lead a discussion on challenges to the health of the public of Wales.
- Central Council matters
Noted: although Central Council had decided not to endorse any
candidate for the Labour Party leadership, a poll of members had been
conducted and the result was a victory for Jeremy Corbyn – which had
been publicly announced. At the next CC delegates would seek to
understand how the poll fitted with Council’s decision not to support any
- Primary care: progress
Agreed: the paper prepared by the secretary would be taken further; those
sections not completed in the draft would be omitted. Comments from
other members would be sought and the paper would be submitted to the
policy process after contact had been made with Dr Andrew Goodall.
- Green paper: possible legislation on health (Wales)
The draft response prepared by the secretary was considered. There were
concerns at any weakening of Board positions of Directors responsible for
rehabilitation services; secretary and Treasurer to discuss further to
produce a draft for consulting members.
- Treasurers report
The balance held was £528-39p. A donation of £11 had been received.
Affiliations had been made to Gower CLP and Cardiff West CLP.
- Legislation watch
The Safe Staffing Bill would be furthered by 11th December with
recent amendments dealt with.
Next officers meeting to be held on 2nd September.