009 – Newsletter – December 2020

Newsletter to SHA members in Wales:  No. 9   



The following statement was issued in support of the First Minister and Welsh Government:

‘SHA Cymru fully supports the actions of the First Minister and the Welsh Government in their management of the current crisis resulting from COVID 19. During this time SHA officers have had opportunities to meet with a number of Welsh Ministers. We have been impressed with the sheer amount of work they are undertaking and by the collegiate and thoughtful style they have adopted. The decision-making process has been clear, evidenced based, and methodical. It stands in sharp contrast to the vacillation of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. We take some confidence from this that Wales and its people will emerge from the pandemic knowing that the Welsh Government, using scientific evidence available to them at the time, aimed to reduce further significant loss of lives and huge damage to the Welsh economy’.

Welsh Matters

SHA Cymru All Members meeting

Thank you to those who attended this meeting via ZOOM on 9 November 2020. The first part of the meeting focussed on matters concerning SHA Cymru. It was decided at the AGM that members will be asked to contribute a small amount towards funds. During in person meetings a collection was taken, and this would go towards room hire etc. Although this is not required at present, there will hopefully, in the not too distant future, be an opportunity to meet in person again. Any contributions will go towards this and possibly online facilities. Sue Thomas, Treasurer is compiling a form with information for members to access bank account details or where to send cheque. The next meeting is planned for Thursday 10 December 2020 7pm and it was agreed to try and hold these at least every two months.

Draft Manifesto

The draft manifesto was discussed, and a response will be sent from SHA Cymru. Alongside this, SHA Cymru officers have ongoing policy discussions with Vaughan Gething’s policy advisors. Members can contribute their own response separately or through their CLP.

Working groups

Members are reminded that SHA Cymru Wales have set up three working groups.

  • Inequalities in Health and the BAME community in Wales
  • Safe Staffing group monitoring how the new Act is working
  • Performance group looking at selected service and governance issues in the Welsh NHS including the role of the proposed Welsh Executive Board


If anyone is interested in joining any of the groups, please let me know Linda Lewis lewis.linda55@btinternet.com


SHA Cymru have been planning with SHA Scotland a joint online event about post pandemic health and social care delivery. More details to follow.


Part 2 of the meeting noted the criticism and allegations via e mail from SHA UK about its Central Council delegates, Alison Scouller and Tony Beddow in relation to the SHA UK bank account. A motion was proposed and carried unanimously:

‘SHA Cymru supports the actions of two Welsh delegates to Central Council and will act accordingly in total solidarity if any action is taken against them’.

We hope that all members in Wales will support this should any action be required.


UK matters


There is a meeting of all UK SHA members planned for Saturday 5 December 2020 2-5pm. It has been called by the branches and UK Vice Chairs for a collegiate gathering to hear what branches are doing in their localities / nations and to learn what is on their agenda.  Governance issues at the UK level may also be explored.


Reading Well Books on Prescription for children

Turning the page on support for children’s mental health

A new scheme has been launched in Wales to help children understand and manage their mental health and wellbeing through reading. Reading Well Books on Prescription for children has been developed by leading health professionals alongside children and their families, and is being brought to Wales by UK charity, The Reading Agency in partnership with Welsh Government and public libraries. Reading Well for children is the third Reading Well scheme to be delivered in Wales following the success of the dementia and mental health book collections.

For further information, email readingwell@readingagency.org.uk or visit: readingwell.org.uk/wales. The Reading Agency is a national charity that tackles life’s big challenges through the proven power of reading. www.readingagency.org.uk

SHA Cymru officers would like to hear your thoughts on these newsletters and if you would like to contribute in any way.

We would also be interested to hear how you would like to see SHA Cymru develop and move forward. Would you like SHA Cymru to concentrate on specific aspects relating to Health and Social Care etc.

Send any thought to Linda Lewis lewis.linda55@btinternet.com

Members only Facebook page – to access contact Linda Lewis