Members Meeting : November 2020

All members meeting

Monday 9 November 2020 7pm via ZOOM

Present: Alison Scouller (Chair), Linda Lewis, Sue Thomas, Tony Beddow, Adrian Sharratt, Pip Ford, Jim Rafferty, Brian Gibbons, Fran Griffiths, David Ll Davies, Judith Roberts, Christine Bryan

Apologies: Mike Hedges, John Wilson, Sian Wilson, Uta Clay, Bob Clay

Part 1

  1. Chair introduced meeting
  2. Treasurer explained about progress with changing bank signatories, work has started with auditors and decision at AGM to ask members to make a voluntary monetary contribution. Suggestion of minimum £2 but members may contribute whatever they feel they can afford.
  3. Policy discussion. Tony Beddow gave an overview of Stage II policy submission and subsequent document submitted for discussion with Vaughan Gething’s special advisor. This was followed by a discussion on the Health and Social Services section in the draft Labour manifesto. Although parts of the document are positive, it was felt that it did not explain how things would work. There appeared to be no reference to Public Health and limited mention relating to Mental Health. It needs to be more radical, exciting, and relevant.

There may be a possibility of adding some changes to the Local Government Bill being heard in the Senedd. Suggestion made to contact Julie James and pass information through CLP’s.

  1. Linda Lewis explained about the two meetings between Wales and Scotland SHA officers. Discussions are ongoing about a joint online event for SHA members to share Health and Social Care policy development from Wales and Scotland. Further information will follow as plans are finalised.
  2. Feedback on Working Groups. The three leads explained about progress so far with each group. This work is ongoing and is likely to continue in 2021. Members are welcome to join any or all of the groups.

Part 2

  1. Alison Scouller and Tony Beddow gave an update on SHA UK matters. Brian Gibbons explained about the 5-person group formed to plan SGM and AGM.

There was some discussion about the actions of SHA UK officers and insinuations made about Alison and Tony. All members present strongly supported Alison and Tony. Linda Lewis proposed the following statement to be sent to SHA UK. This was seconded by David Llewellyn Davies. A vote was taken, and all present voted for the proposal.


‘SHA Cymru supports the actions of two Welsh delegates to Central Council and will act accordingly in total solidarity if any action is taken against them’.

  1. SHA relationship – await events
  2. Rule book changes – there was a suggestion that devolved Nations should be able to affiliate to own political party in own Nation on devolved matters. This would need a rule change in devolved Nation and at UK level. Other Socialist Societies who represent devolved matters may also be willing to support this. Alison Scouller to speak to relevant representatives for advice.
  3. Future all member meetings – as the policy discussion and submission to draft manifesto is imminent it was felt that a December meeting would be appropriate. Then meetings can be held 2 monthly with invited speaker.
  4. AOB – none