Members meeting March 2021

All members meeting

Tuesday 2 March 2021 7pm via ZOOM

Present: Alison Scouller (Chair), Linda Lewis, Sue Thomas, Tony Beddow (TB), Adrian Sharratt, Jim Rafferty, Christine Bryan, Ruth Sharratt, Pip Ford, Mike Bird, Pat Lewis, Kait Duerden, Donna Hutton, David Smith, Kathrin Thomas, Iona Gordon

Apologies: Mike Hedges, John Wilson, Sian Wilson, Uta Clay, Bob Clay, David Ll Davies, Anthony Wedlake

Speaker: Jocelle Lovell

  1. Chair introduced meeting and speaker. Unfortunately, the second speaker was unable to attend.
  2. Jocelle Lovell Director for Inclusive Communities gave a talk on Digital Communities Wales. This is a Welsh Government programme helping people to learn new skills, get online and use digital technology. Jocelle talked about the barriers to getting online in the different age groups and health categories. She then went on to talk about the benefits of digital inclusion and the support that is available to achieve this. Below are some links members may find useful to explore this topic further.

  1. Minutes of last meeting 19/1/21 agreed
  2. Matters Arising – some members attended a meeting about the final draft policy document. A lot of suggestions from SHAC are included in the document.
  3. SHA UK AGM voting papers will be issued soon and AGM on 20/3/21. There was a central council meeting on 13 February 21 where it was decided that there will be no voting allowed at the AGM.
  4. Future SHAC all member meetings – Brian Gibbons has produced a presentation on the Inverse Care Law which he will talk about on Tuesday 30 March 7 pm. The meeting will also include a discussion on a response to rebalancing care and support consultation. David Smith suggested consulting with Adrian Roper about the document.
  5. AOB – Kathrin Thomas asked about response to private takeover of GPs in England. LL to send Kathrin letter sent to Labour MS’. LL

TB reported back on NPF meeting regarding integrated care and omission in record of meeting. TB to follow up.                                                      TB