Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting
Thursday 14th August 2014 3-30 pm Sarne
Present: Alison Scouller Pip Ford Tony Beddow
- Notes of last meeting – 10th June 2014
These were approved.
- Arising
- a) 10 Steps – meeting with RCGP
The Chair reported on an interesting meeting with Dr Paul Myers of the Royal College of GP’s on the SHA’s recent discussion paper “10 Steps”. The College was keen to contribute to the ongoing debate about improving primary care. It shared much, but not all, of the analysis of the SHA. Agreed: this topic should form the topic of the AGM in November.
- b) National Council matters
The secretary reported on the telephone conference set up to explore ways using external help to improve the functioning of the SHA and Central Council, using the resources of Unite and GMB.
- c) BBC – Question Time and Any Questions
The secretary had not had any further replies from Wales Labour or the BBC answering questions that arose from the BBC’s initial explanation of the composition of recent panels for QT and AQ hosted in Wales. Agreed: secretary to chase.
- d) Web site
No progress had been possible with this matter owing to the non availability of the persons able to assist. Agreed: alternative advice to be sought.
- e) Public Health submission
The Chair had submitted our contribution to the Public Health consultation.
- f) Possible meeting with Owen Smith MP
Noted: nothing arranged so far.
- Next members meeting : topic and site
This was now arranged for 3rd September at Unison ,Cardiff on the topic
of legislating for safe staffing levels in the NHS, Speakers confirmed were
Pip Forde, Dame June Clarke and Dawn Bowden.
- Meeting with Dr Andrew Goodall: Director NHS Wales
Officers had had an encouraging meeting with Dr Goodall, the
newly appointed Director of NHS Wales. He had welcomed the ” Capacity
Planning” paper prepared by SHA Cymru Wales earlier in the year and
promised to pursue its aims.
- Response to Williams Report
Dr Brian Gibbons had prepared a discussion document intended to seek
the views of members on “Williams”. Agreed: to issue the paper (with
some minor additions relating to the need to improve the cadre of
Welsh public servants) to members to enable officers to finalise a
response to Welsh Government.
- Treasurers report
There was a balance of £465-39p
- Next officers meeting
This will be prior to the Members meeting on the 3rd September