Officers’ Meeting 3rd September 2014

Notes of Officers Meeting :Tuesday 3rd September 2014, Cardiff


Present : Alison Scouller, Pip Ford, Tony Beddow    


  1. Notes of last meeting

Agreed subject to amendment re the way forward on primary care – see below.


  1. Arising
  1. BBC and Labour – no replies from either; secretary to chase both – through Wales NEC if necessary for latter.
  2. b) National Council – position noted re governance concerns; no Welsh delegate would make the September meeting. Agreed: watch with interest what, if anything, CC decided.
  3. c) The details for the AGM were agreed: venue Cardiff on topic of Primary care and agreeing our position after feed back on “10 steps”.

Possible speakers were discussed.


  1. Next officers meeting

           15th October, PipFord’s office at 4pm