Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting
Thursday 21 May 2015 Cardiff
Present: Alison Scouller Pip Ford Tony Beddow
- Notes of the last meeting These were agreed
- Matters Arising
- a) The proposed meeting with Andrew Goodall was awaiting the outcome
of the meeting with the BMA (now confirmed for June 11th.
- b) Alison will attend the Welsh Labour Policy Forum on 4th July and will explore progress made to date.
- c) WebEx will be attempted again for the next meeting
- Affiliations
The wisdom of affiliating to selected CLPs was again discussed. Where SHA Wales had members, and where there was a reason to seek to influence political developments, it was felt appropriate to seek affiliation. Members were active in Gower, Cardiff West, Swansea East; however the CLPs of all members was not known to officers. Agreed: secretary to obtain home addresses from the Director; officers to explore further to which CLPs affiliation might be most useful.
- Central Council / AGM
Alison reported on a most unsatisfactory AGM in Birmingham. There was no Chair’s report. The Chair made it clear that he did not welcome the constitutional amendments proposed by Wales and after a brief debate these were referred to an SGM. Subsequently, the director wrote to selected members of council complaining that AGMs were being used to discuss constitutional amendments and proposing that the constitution be amended so that only amendments supported by 30 members would be taken at AGM’s. Officers had sought an explanation for this selective mailing but were told that the Chair had instructed the Director not to reply to enquiries from the secretary of the Welsh branch. The Chair would be asked to explain his actions at the next central Council meeting.
- BMA meeting .
The aims of the meeting were agreed as being to explore to what extent our respective agendas allowed for a common approach to delivering the “10 steps” proposals re a salaried option for GPs.
- Next all Member meeting
Agreed: to invite Professor Sir Mansel Aylward to speak on public health challenges in Wales – hopefully in September. .
- Treasurers report
There was a balance of £527-24p.
- Forthcoming Welsh legislation
Pip Ford updated officers with progress on Bills now being considered in their various stages. It was noted that many of the concerns raised by SHA about the Safe Nurse Staffing (Wales) Bill had been picked up and addressed.
A member seeking to be a candidate for AM selection had sought the support of SHA Wales. Agreed: secretary to write a suitable endorsement.
Date of next meeting
2nd July 2015 4pm Cardiff