Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting
Tuesday 15th November 2016 : 4 pm Cardiff
- Notes of last meeting
These were agreed subject to adding that t was agreed to purchase a copy of the Divide film
- Arising
- Party Rule changes: The “convention of the willing” had had its first meeting which was focussed and productive. The draft document was altered to expand upon: the role of any leader of the party in Wales, the aims of the Party, other options for electing a leader and Deputy leader and the need to involve members more in the policy forming process. Further work was necessary on the role of LCFs and the selection of MPs. and AMs. Options for bringing this topic back to Conference were also discussed. Agreed: members to receive revised rule change document.
- Morriston Hospital- proposed private hospital: It was noted that our request to meet the Minister had been rejected on the grounds that the Minister saw this as a planning, rather than a political, issue. It was also noted that at WEC the First Minister said that he was not aware of the proposal. A reply from ABMU to our request under FOI for further information had been received two hours before the meeting which cast more light on what Welsh Government had and had not blessed. The secretary had also been asked to speak on this topic at a number of Labour Party and Trade Union meetings. Agreed: SHA should feel able to make public statements about this topic when ready – and in conjunction with other affiliated bodies with an interest. Agreed: secretary to begin to draft statements and web site material.
- Meeting with Public Health Minister: the Chair and Secretary had had a very useful meeting with Rebecca Evans who had reassured officers on many aspects. Agreed: secretary would look further at the documents referred to by the Minister –
- Web site: Noted, the membership form was outstanding. The web
Master had been temporarily out of action because of domestic issues.
- Central Council – policy meeting, 3rd December
Noted: a small group of Council volunteers were meeting to consolidate all current policy documents into a draft two level policy document by addressing any apparent contradictions and filling any gaps. The draft would come back to Central Council for debate.
- SHA Wales 2016 work programme, meetings and recruitment
- AGM – agreed, the first part of this would be an open meeting would on either February 6th or 9th with the Divide Film as the main topic for the open part of the meeting, followed by a Business AGM for members only. Chair would to seek a venue.
- b) Manifesto watch – the current position was noted and it was agreed
to take stock at the next meeting.
- c) Nursing information – noted, the secretary had written to the Chief
Nursing Officer seeking information about the pace of, and evidence
base for, further extensions of safe staffing levels beyond acute nursing
- Treasurers report The balance is £490-39p
- Legislation watch The main issue is the return of the Public health
Bill. The Future Generations Act could be a topic for a meeting next year.
- O.B.
- a) Noted: Email from Wales Labour re engaging members in the policy forming process; agreed to discuss in January
- b) Noted: arrangements for the Welsh Labour Conference in
Llandudno. Delegate arrangements were agreed : Tony Beddow
to attend
- Next officers meeting
4th January 2017 4pm Cardiff