Notes of Officers Meeting
Wednesday 4th January 2017 : 4 pm Cardiff
- Notes of last meeting
These were approved with minor corrections.
- Arising
- Rule changes Welsh Labour: Progress with preparing rule changes for Welsh Labour Conference was noted; two different options were possible. Agreed: await forthcoming meetings with interested colleagues before deciding which option to take.
- Morriston Hospital / Arch project: The withdrawal of the planning application to site a private hospital at Morriston Hospital was noted. Outstanding concerns with other aspects of the ARCH project were noted. Agreed: secretary to seek meeting with Minister to explore those concerns and seek re-assurances.
- Westminster and its understanding of devolved health matters. Noted: further advice from Wales Labour had been received re improving this matter. Agreed: secretary to seek meeting with Shadow Welsh Minister and Health Minister and appropriate party officers.
- Central Council –14th January
Noted: Two main items of business were anticipated; a) proposed changes to the SHA constitution to address new banking requirements b) progress with developing the emerging policy document.
- SHA Wales 2016 work programme, meetings and recruitment
- a) AGM, dates, topic and venues: the arrangements made for the AGM
on February 16th were noted. The AGM would precede an open
meeting where the “Divide” film would be shown and discussed. The
Chair produced a draft poster which was amended and agreed. Mailing
lists were also drawn up.
- b) Manifesto watch – there was little to report.
- c) Nurse staffing information: noted- a very helpful reply from the CNO
that set out the work now in hand. Noted: the current consultation upon
the implementation of the Safe Staffing Act which was open until April
7th. Agreed: to be discussed at the next officers meeting.
- Treasurers report
Current balance is £440-39p
- Legislation watch
Noted, the consultation regarding the implementation of
the Safe Staffing Act mentioned in 4c that seems to reflect concerns raised
by SHA Cymru Wales when the Bill was passing through the Assembly.
- A.O.B. None
- Next officers meeting – 21.3.17 at 4pm in Cardiff