Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting
Tuesday 21st March 2017 : 4 pm Cardiff
Notes of last meeting. These were agreed
- a) Our rule changes submission to Wales Labour Conference has been ruled out of order on several grounds and it was agreed that the delegate would meet with the Standing orders Committee to receive an explanation of why this was. It was noted that a CLP had submitted a part of the rule change proposals and it was agreed to offer to second that proposal.
- b) A constructive meeting had been held with Vaughan Gething and his position re the Morriston Hospital / Arch project had been made clear. The Arch project was yet to be signed off. Aspects of links between the Westminster front bench and WG had been signalled but not pursued at that meeting. Agreed: secretary to pursue with the Minister’s team.
- c) The current membership list was thought to be outdated; agreed secretary to ask the Director for a recent version.
Welsh AGM – action on work programme
The following work was agreed as the basis of the 2017 / 18 work programme: pharmacy costs (TB with BE); ARCH project follow through (TB); SHA UK policies follow through (All); Safe Staffing Levels Act implementation issues (AS and PF); increasing our members (all).
UK AGM – report back
The chair reported on the new officers- Alex Scott Samuel as Chair and Tom Fitzgerald as Treasurer. Jonathan Ashworth signalled a wish to work closely with the SHA and to learn more about the Welsh NHS to plug selected gaps in the shadow team’s knowledge. The progress made by the “policy team” was noted – with papers nearly ready to feed into the NPF process.
The AGM agreed to elect four Vice Chairs and elections for these would be held soon. It was also agreed to encourage women members to take part. Advertising on the SHA web site was also reviewed.
- Treasurers report
The balance was £480-39 and income had been received from SHA UK (£55) and donations (£40).
- Legislation watch
Nothing to report.
- A.O.B.
It was noted that the current list of affiliated bodies and their contacts may no longer be up to date. Agreed: secretary to seek latest list of individual members and affiliated bodies.
- Next officers meeting
May 9th at 3-30pm