Officer’s Meeting 22nd June 2018

Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting

4pm Friday 22ndJune 2018 :    Cardiff



  1. Notes of last meeting

These were agreed subject to deletion of “roles” in item 3 after “vice chairs”.


2 . Arising

  1. ABMU Arch project and private practice FOI’s

Noted: no reply had been received to letter dated 29thMay posted on the 30thMay; agreed, secretary to chase


  1. b) Letter to Andrew Goodall re performance regime

Noted: an acknowledgement had now been received from the office of the

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services promising a reply by the end

of June. Agreed: secretary to circulate response to officers and Welsh CC

members when received.



  1.                National AGM and Central Council

The Chair reported on: agreement regarding the sequencing of elections to the Central Council and regional (national) Councils – with the latter always to precede the former. A paper on the SHA policy regarding maternity services had been prepared for the SHA Policy Group. It had been agreed that the Chair (Alex Scott Samuel) would take the lead on UK links with the Labour Party, Tony Beddow would co-ordinate policy development, Andy Thompson would oversee web site development. The national AGM would be held in Cardiff in 2019.


  1. Wales Work programme
  2. a) N. Wales: arrangements were in hand for a meeting to discuss proposals

in N. Wales intended to bring health and social care closer together; Dr

Thomas assisting .

  1. West Wales and Unison re Hywel Dda consultation. SHA continued to work closely with local groups and Unison to influence the thinking of Hywel Dda Health Board..
  2. c) All member meetings: ideas for a meeting in Swansea were discussed.
  3. d) Welsh Government future plans for NHS and care system were noted.

The place of GP clusters and Regional Partnership Boards should be

better understood.


  1. NHS 70thBirthday


Noted: a specially commissioned poem marking this had been well received. Other events supporting the celebration of 70 years of service had been supported in different localities.


  1. Labour Party matters

     TheWelsh Democracy review and the debate about OMOV  and an Electoral

College were noyed. The implications of these proposals were discussed.

Agreed: SHA to support OMOV; SHA views to be made known


  1. Treasurers report

The balance of funds was £544-32p, with £40 being donated at the AGM. There was an outstanding cheque for £8-50.


  1. Legislation watch

There was nothing to report.


  1. A.O.B.       
  2. a) The secretary reported that he had know met with Mike Payne re issues

relating to and left over from the 2017 Welsh Conference and also to clarify

contact details for GMB members. A meeting had also been held with a new


  1. b) The Chair had taken part ina recent television programme.


  1. Next officers meeting

         August 23rd2018