005 Newsletter- July 2020

Newsletter to SHA members in Wales : No. 5    


Welsh News


  1. NHS Debt write off in Wales

Members may recall an earlier newsletter reporting the write off in April of £13.4 billion  pounds of English NHS Trust debt using a device known as “public dividend capital” whereby the UK Government lends money to indebted trusts and pretends that it has now got a dividend producing share in a public body that it already owns. It has now been reported that Welsh Government has written off the debts of Welsh Trusts to the tune of £470 million. Recognising the problems caused by a mismatch of demand for services and available  cash, the Welsh approach is far more straightforward, unlike that of the English Government that has resorted  – as averred by Labour Party officials in England – to using “funny money”.


  1. Welsh Labour member on Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC)

As some members may know, the Labour Party has changed the way the NEC is elected. One of the seats on the NEC is determined by members of the Welsh Labour Party and the voting system known as the single transferable vote is being used. SHA members have suggested that SHA Cymru Wales should consider supporting a candidature and members will receive further information shortly about the process.


  1. SHA Cymru Wales: AGM October 15th

The AGM for SHA Cymru Wales has been agreed for October 15th 2020 and it is hoped that the guest speaker will be a Welsh Government Minister who will be able to speak on how a post Covid care system in Wales could be funded.  The venue hasn’t yet been agreed although it will  probably be either in Swansea or Cardiff. Wherever it is held, it is intended to use zoom or similar to enable  input from members (and guests) unable to attend in person.


  1. SHA Cymru Wales Membership

SHA membership in Wales continues to grow and stands at over 60. Much of the growth comes as a result of people hearing of our work and wanting to be involved. During 2020 it is hoped that SHA Cymru Wales will become affiliated to at least one more CLP.  The increasing membership means that SHA Cymru Wales is entitled to a third delegate on the UK Central Council. Council meets on average four times a year and reasonable traveling expenses may be refunded. If any member wishes to be considered as a delegate, please let officers know.


  1. Any cartoonists out there?

Officers are considering using cartoons to adorn this newsletter and both the UK and Welsh web sites. If any members have skills in this regard, please could they contact officers.

U.K. matters


  1. Labour Policy process

Members may have noted that the deadline for submitting proposals to the UK policy process has been extended to  20th July. Many submissions received by the Health and Social Care Commission so far call for the health and social care system in England to be better funded, largely delivered by the public sector, and brought together in ways that improve care delivery. Members from Wales are entitled to submit ideas either as individuals or from organisations.


  1. Covid -19 and related matters.

The detailed weekly Covid 19 blog will continue to be available on SHA’s UK web site for the immediate future. It is clear from the Prime Minister’s recent criticism of social care providers that others are likely to be blamed for the actions and inactions of U.K Government and others.


  1. Web site links

Web site links for the UK web site and for SHA Cymru Wales site are:



