All members meeting
Tuesday 25 January 2022 7pm via ZOOM
Present: Alison Scouller (Chair), Linda Lewis, Sue Thomas, Tony Beddow (TB), Christine Bryan, Brian Gibbons, Hugh Pattrick, David Smith, Pip Ford, John Henry,
Kathrin Thomas, Kait Duerden, Liz Parry, Michelle Emerson, John Holmes, Iona Gordon, Jenny Rathbone, Marie
Apologies: Uta Clay, Bob Clay, Mike Hedges, Mike Bird, Adrian Sharratt, Ruth Sharratt, Christine McKnight, Anthony Wedlake, Jim Rafferty
Speaker: Professor Jonathan Richards G.P.
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the speaker.
Professor Jonathan Richards posed a few questions:
What is socialist Health?
Different people approach this with a different set of values. A system has been created where people expect to be first in the queue. The people who can, often get what they want without thinking of others.
Do systems work for the deliverer or those needing the service?
Claire Gerrard developed the first electronic consulting service. A survey found that it was only used by tech savvy patients. No elderly or BAME patients, mostly young working men which saved them taking time off work.
Is all the technology the right thing for the patient?
The ‘old school’ GP system of face-to-face consultations developed trust and provided continuity of care. Dr John Oldham, in the early 1990’s brought into the health service an American model of phone first. There needs to be a balance on how technology is used. It can be used to allow people to monitor their own health.
How can we address the complexities of people’s lives?
Future generations are likely to be more tech savvy and this needs to be planned for now. However, technology will never free up time only divert the work in a different direction.
This was followed by questions and comments from the floor.
- Notes of last meeting accepted. No matters arising
- Cymru matters – Health and Care Bill some leafletting took place November 2021 and there are plans to continue leafletting until the Bill returns to Parliament in July. Letters have been sent to members of the House of Lords. Welsh Labour Conference – Alison Scouller is the SHAC delegate, and a motion has been submitted. Consider plans to leaflet on Health and Care Bill at the conference which is to be held in person in Llandudno.
- UK matters – TB explained SHA UK is now a company by guarantee. SHA UK AGM is being held on Sunday 20th February 2022 and members are invited to self-nominate for officer positions and/or central council. Alison Scouller and Linda Lewis are SHAC Nation delegates and Brian Gibbons, and Tony Beddow have expressed an interest in standing for central council.
- Treasurer’s report – treasurer not present – no report.
- AOB – none
Meeting closed at 8.37pm