Officers’ Meeting 11th March 2015

Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting

Wednesday 11th March 2015   4 pm Cardiff


Present: Alison Scouller   Pip Ford Tony Beddow



  1. Notes of the last meeting These were agreed


  1. Matters Arising from the AGM


  1. Welsh Conference and Primary care policy

Noted: the motion to create a salaried GP service in Wales was accepted by Welsh Labour Conference. It was agreed that we should seek a meeting with Andrew Goodall to explore way ahead now and also explore with the BMA whether we could work together on this . Also agreed: Alison will explore the Welsh Labour Policy Forum process as a vehicle to make progress. Madeleine Brindley to be kept informed.


  1. Web Ex discussion

One member had expressed some interest in linking up but had not connected to the meeting. However, the technology worked and we would retain it as a facility for every officer meeting and remind members again of the option.


  1.    Welsh Labour Policy Forum

As noted above, Alison would research the membership and timescales of this process as a means of furthering the development of the salaried GP service.


  1. Welsh Web Site


  1. Next members meeting : topic and site

Agreed: invite the CMO to talk about the Public Health Bill and the

Future Generations Bill ; aim for a September meeting and also invite

English colleagues. Venue: hopefully Unison Cardiff.

  1. Treasurers report

             There was a balance of £527-24p. The secretary returned £1 of

overpaid fees for the Welsh Conference. Agreed: the sum of £25

claimed from SHA UK as affiliation fees should be offered back to the

Director unless affiliation to another CLP became possible.


  1. Forthcoming Welsh legislation

PF summarised the Acts now being considered in their various stages.

These included: Social Services Act – Consultation on Regulations, Well-

being and Future Generations Bills, Regulation and Inspection Bill and t

the Safe Staffing levels Bill. Pip agreed to lodge an update on the web



Agreed: Dr Ruth Hussey to be asked to speak on the Public Health Bill at a future meeting. Agreed: PF to upload report to SHA web site.


  1. AOB
  2. Noted: the NHS Commisison for Wales was now dead.

2. Noted: the Bill by Caroline Lucas to re-instate the N