Officers’ Meeting 13th March 2013

Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting March 13rd 2013

Present: Alison Scouller, Philippa Ford, Tony Beddow    

  1. Notes of last meeting – January 2013 were agreed.
  2. Arising

Agreed: we should communicate directly with our own members rather than through Martin’s mailing list. Chair had written to N. Wales members and put them in touch with one another.

  1. National Council

The Chair reported on the AGM. Various constitutional amendments were passed, including allowing branches more autonomy and allowing for greater use of the internet for ballots. Wales still has a vacancy on Council – to be filled at the AGM. The web site is being revamped at a cost of £2,000 and there was a long debate about the extent to which the site should host comments that countered SHA policy or socialist approaches to health organisation. Agreed: there needs to be a clear distinction between SHA policy pages, closed member pages, and “open” policy debate.


The Mid Staffs enquiry was discussed and there was a view that greater democracy in the NHS could have help avoid some of the problems.

Richard Bourne was the new Chair and the outgoing Chair had assumed the title of Vice president. Aspects relating to Wales would be further discussed by officers.

  1. Correspondence with D. Sissling

A reply from David Sissling was considered. His contention was that capacity planning is being done by the Chief Executives of Boards who collectively would ensure that All Wales capacity would be properly planned. Agreed: secretary to write to all LHBs to obtain details of the key capacities now planned. This would include acute hospital work, “virtual wards” in the community and 999 ambulance cover.


It was agreed to seek to meet the Minister in about 2 months time[1].


  1. Update on Law Making

Pip outlined progress with the Social Services Bill which seemed to enjoy all party support. It’s approach to health and social care integration would need careful monitoring as would the e x tent to which it was used to plug gaps arising from the UK wide changes to laws relating to disability.


  1. AGM Arrangements

May 11th was the agreed date and Andrew Davies had agreed to speak. Venue was Committee Room 3, Civic Centre, Swansea.

  1. Treasurer report     The treasurer reported a current balance of £612.39


Date of Next meeting: April 25th 3 30pm Sarne

[1] Lesley Griffiths move was not known at this meeting.