Officers’ Meeting 13th November 2013

Notes of SHA Cymru Wales Officers Meeting November 13th 2013

Present: Alison Scouller, Philippa Ford, Tony Beddow


  1. Notes of last meeting – 19th September were agreed.



  1. Arising
  1. Secretary reported the reply from Mr Sissling (4/10/13) which was considered. Agreed: this was a more encouraging response; secretary to write to DS asking for an update on progress and ask to meet someone involved in process.
  2. Pip reported on progress with the legislative programme which had two elements – the Social Services Bill and the Public Health Bill. The Social Services Bill was at stage 2 with over 400 amendments tabled. Also noted that there is a separate White Paper on Regulation out for consultation which ends 6th January 2014. There was little progress on the Public Health Bill.
  3. The draft paper on co-production was still being re-drafted.


  1. AGM arrangements

             Noted: the AGM was now booked for 28th November at 7pm in Unison

offices Cardiff and Mark Drakeford would be the guest speaker in the first part of

the meeting. It was agreed to alert Labour Party members and other who might

be interested in the first part of the meeting. There would be a bill for the


           The accounts were noted; the amount spent on the “Spirit Level” project had not

so far resulted in any product; Pip to chase.


  1. National Council

The agenda for the forthcoming Council meeting was reviewed. Progress with the design of the (national) web site was noted as were some tensions about the governance arrangements of the SHA and both matters were likely to give rise to

further debate.


Public Health matters were also on the agenda.


The secretary referred to two papers on private practice produced by the UK

Chair and himself.


  1. Treasurer report     The treasurer reported a current balance of £612.39


Provisional date of next officers meeting: 15th January 2014; 3-30 Sarne