Notes of SHA Cymru Wales Officers Meeting February 14th 2014
Present: Alison Scouller, Philippa Ford, Tony Beddow
- Notes of last meeting – January 14th 2014 were agreed.
- Arising
- The paper on co-production and health choices had been sent to the Minister’s office but no reaction had yet been received. Agreed: secretary to pursue with the special advisor.
- A draft paper on safeguarding NHS Wales – 10 steps forward – was discussed. Further changes were being made. It was agreed to assist with the printing costs up to a sum of £200.
- Noted: Dr Brian Gibbons was seeking to arrange a meeting with GP’s on primary care matters. The possibility of extending the meeting to interested parties such as patients forums and CHC members was agreed.
- Pip updated officers on the legislative programme and her summary was agreed for placing on the Welsh page of the web site. Action: PF
- Pip had chased the Spirit Level team but there was no response.
- The Chair suggested the Welsh web pages be updated to show contact points and officers. Action: secretary
- National Council
The secretary reported arrangements for the AGM on 8th March. Elections would be held for the posts of Chair and Secretary, and for the 20 directly elected members of central council. The 3 Welsh nominations forthe latter were noted.
Attention was drawn to the motion regarding Prof. Pollock’s work on PFI.
The overhaul of the SHA’s governance arrangements had been completed and major changes to the constitution were being proposed.
The secretary reported on a fractious meeting of Central Council in January.
As a result of reviewing the membership list for Wales, Wales was entitled to only 2 delegates, not 3 as once thought. Membership stood at 36 individuals and 3 affiliates.
- Treasurer report The Treasurer reported a current balance of £582.39.
- Comments made by Charlotte Leslie MP about mortality rates in Wales
were discussed. It was agreed that the secretary should write to her
exploring her motives and understanding and alerting the media.
- It was noted that the current debate about releasing NHS data
for research and other purposes was presently perceived as an English
matter only. However, the topic was not fully understood; agreed:
secretary to make further enquiries.
Date of next officers meeting: 3rd April 2014; 3-30 Sarne