Officers’ Meeting 8th April 2014

Notes of SHA Cymru Wales Officers Meeting April 8th 2014

Present: Alison Scouller, Philippa Ford, Tony Beddow


  1. Notes of last meeting – Notes of Feb 2014 meeting were agreed.


  1. Arising
  2. a) AGM 2014

           The Chair reported the outcome of the AGM on 8th March. The posts of

Chair and Secretary, and the 20 directly elected members of central

council were all contested. Two Welsh nominations for directly elected

members (Dr Brian Gibbons and David Davies) were successful.

Wales SHA Secretary was not elected to UK post. The motion applauding

Prof. Pollock’s work on PFI and granting her life membership of the SHA

was passed overwhelmingly.


Although Proposals to improve the SHA’s governance arrangements were supported by a majority of delegates, the necessary two thirds majority was gained for only a small number of changes. Wales Officers remained concerned that the SHA was operating “at risk” in a number of respects.


Concerns were also noted about the arrangements for the election of officers and Council members as these did not appear to follow the processes agreed by the January Central Council. Further, throughout the AGM key officers were not present as they were counting the votes; as a result queries arising form the reports of the treasurer and auditors were not addressed and thus the reports were not approved.


  1. b) Affiliation

The Treasurer confirmed that affiliation to Wales Labour had been actioned on the basis of 36 individual and 3 affiliated members.


  1. c) Attacks upon the Welsh NHS

These by the UK Government continued apace. The secretary was waiting for further replies to FOI’s submitted to explore further the actions of Charlotte Leslie MP. Arrangements were also in hand to discuss with Welsh Government and Wales Labour ways in which the SHA could join battle in this regard. The recent excellent letter – exploding some of the myths about Welsh NHS performance – from SHA President Dr Julian Hart on the Open Democracy web site was welcomed.


  1. d) Wales legislative programme

Pip Ford outlined the current state of the Public Health White paper and it was noted that the consultation period ended 24th June. Alison Scouller would prepare a draft response and members would be alerted to the opportunity to comment.


  1. e) Safe Staffing levels

Kirsty Williams proposed Bill on safe staffing levels was noted – as was the SHA Cymmru Wales hurried briefing note complied after seeking views from members. It was thought that this topic might be a suitable one for a members meeting in the Autumn.


  1. 10 Steps Document

The final draft of the 10 Steps Discussion paper had been completed and the printing of a limited number of copies was in hand. It was agreed to seek to launch the document at an event in the Senedd if possible in early May -secretary to make the arrangements and Treasurer to seek assistance with costs from SHA Director.


  1. All member meetings.

It was agreed that the next All Member meeting should concentrate on developments in Primary Care and an offer from Dr Charlotte Jones to speak on the changes to QOF and other changes would be accepted. The meeting would “open” and shared with GP bodies, possibly in Cardiff or Swansea in late May / early June.


  1. NHS Data

A reply from Dr Ruth Hussey to enquiries relating to the release by the English NHS of data relating to Welsh patients was noted. It appeared that Welsh Government / officials had not been consulted about this matter. Officers would take further advice on the issues.

  1. Treasurer report   The Treasurer reported a current balance of



           Date of next officers meeting: 6th May 2014; Unite Building

           Cardiff – to follow meeting with Mr Eaglestone, Wales Labour.