All members meeting
Tuesday 21 June 2022 7pm via ZOOM
Present: Alison Scouller (Chair), Linda Lewis, Tony Beddow (TB), Mike Bird, Adrian Sharratt (ASH), Kathrin Thomas, Christine McKnight, Helen Taylor, Lynne Jones, Jackie Owen
Apologies: Brian Gibbons (BG), Uta Clay, Bob Clay, Ruth Sharratt, Pip Ford, Donna Hutton
Speaker: Victoria Winkler Bevan Foundation
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the speaker.
Victoria gave an overview of the Bevan Foundation. Then went on to talk about the link between poverty and health. The biggest determinants of ill health are low income, poor housing, work related, diet and lifestyle behaviours. All worsened by cost-of-living crisis.
What should be done? Raise household incomes, more and better housing, improve health and safety at work, address behaviours and have fair markets.
Victoria’s presentation is on SHA Cymru website
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This was followed by questions and comments from the floor.
End of open session followed by business meeting.
Notes of last meeting March 2022 accepted. No matters arising
- Treasurer’s report – £245 repayment from SHA UK for expenses. £727.89 in account.
- Cymru matters – Welsh Labour recall Conference 2/7/22– Alison Scouller to attend. Plans for SHAC to produce banners for North and South Wales. ASH sending artwork for approval.
- UK matters – SHA UK having teething problems with SHA UK database, SHA UK website and addressing funds spent by previous administration. SHAC officers to write to SHA UK officers. No update on SHA UK working groups. Health Bill passed in England.
- Future meetings – Next all member meeting July 19th the speaker will be Sean Thompson from SERA.
- AOB – TB reported on Radical Wales meeting – possible paper to be produced. Welsh Labour requesting donations to Mark Drakeford fund. Should a fund be developed outside Labour party? Could members consider this and feedback.
Meeting closed at 8.10 pm