Officers’ Meeting 13th September 2017

Notes of SHA Wales Officers Meeting

Wednesday 13th September  2017 :  4 pm  Cardiff



  1. Notes of August meeting – agreed


  1. Arising
    1. Arch project: noted, no replies received; agreed, secretary to raise with Rebecca Evans in margins of a forthcoming meeting
    2. Joint Welsh Government / Westminster front bench meeting: actions taken by secretary noted; agreed to await response from Westminster front bench
    3. Membership data: noted, secretary had approached affiliated Unions to obtain updated list of contacts.
    4. : possible speakers were discussed; agreed secretary to approach Minister for Social Care / Public health


  1. Central Council

Business at the coming Party Conference was reported; noted, an SHA Motion re addressing current NHS challenges had been accepted by NEC. Agreed: this should take precedence.


  1. Party Matters

The  nomination of WEC member was discussed and possible names

were considered: agreed, secretary to pursue.


  1. Services Fit for the Future – a draft contribution to the consultation

process was considered and amended in the light of contributions from

members. Agreed: secretary to submit revised version.


  1. Major Trauma Services Wales – the latest position on the

proposals of an Expert Group looking at Major Trauma services for S.

Wales was noted. It was understood that each S. Wales Health Board

would undertake consultations about the proposal to site the major unit at

UHW with Morriston Hospital leading the major trauma network. A draft

press release re the process was noted. Agreed: press release to be

issued if consultation was  underway. Agreed: decision made by Cym Taf

Board to be obtained.


  1. Treasurers report : balance of £568-39 was noted.


  1. Legislation watch: Pip Ford reported on three Acts and two Bills.


  1. O.B. a) noted, Cardiff West CLP wished to affiliate to SHA; agreed

        officers to advise CLP secretary  of process.

  1. b) Chair reported request for support of the People’s Assembly Against

Austerity campaign for fair funding. Agreed: Chair to convey  our



  1. Next officers meeting: October 19th 4pm Cardiff