Officers’ Meeting 17th August 2017

Notes of Officers Meeting

Thursday 17th August   2017 :  4 pm  Cardiff


Present : Alison Scouller, Pip Ford and Tony Beddow



  1. Notes of last meeting – these were agreed.


  1. Arising
    1. Arch project: secretary updated officers of recent enquiries made to the Cabinet Member for health re the status of bariatric surgery and genetically targeted cancer treatment. A reply is awaited.
    2. Possible Welsh Government / Westminster front bench meeting: suggestions had been put to Westminster colleagues; agreed: secretary to contact JA directly.
    3. Safe Staffing levels: information had been sought re progress on methods to be used to contain workloads to available staff; noted – a ward closure had occurred at Singleton Hospital to ensure safe operation.
    4. Latest details of Welsh SHA members were noted: agreed, further refinement of details of affiliated bodies would be undertaken re eligible branches of affiliated Trade Unions.
    5. The draft response to “Services Fit for the Future” had been sent to all members for comment; agreed, the final submission would be agreed at the next officers meeting.


  1. Central Council

The next Central Council meeting would take place at Conference; policy development would continue.


  1. Party Matters
  2.         a) Election of Welsh Policy Forum member: agreed, Chair to continue
  3. b) Election of WEC member: agreed, SHA to consult with SEA re views on

candidates; in light of outcome three possible candidates were noted.

  1. c) Consultation re electing Leader and Deputy: some comments had been

received on the proposed election arrangements and a full response

would be submitted by 21st October.


  1. Major Trauma Services Wales

        The secretary reported actions taken to clarify the status of a press report

Indicating that UHW was the emerging location for the Welsh Major

Trauma Unit. Agreed: press release might follow if FOI request was denied

or if information sought cast doubt on the process used. A public meeting

to explore the issue might be called. Noted: major trauma services were an

example of “national” services that ought to be planned at a level above

LHBs and should be noted in the response to “Services fit for the Future”.


  1. Treasurers report

         The available balance was £568-39p.


  1. Legislation watch: nothing to report


  1. A.O.B.       
  2. a) A preliminary discussion about the AGM was held; location, timing and

possible speakers were discussed.

  1. b) Agreed: Chair to attend Public Health Conference in October.


  1. Next officers meeting

         13th September, 4pm Cardiff.