Officer’s Meeting 25 Jan 2018

Notes of Officers Meeting SHA Cymru Wales

Thursday 25th January 2018 :  Noon  Cardiff

Present A. Scouller, Pip Ford, Tony Beddow, (By webex, Kathrin Thomas: North Wales)

(Action and a.s. copy)


  1. Notes of last meeting – agreed subject to “maternal” becoming “maternity” and The Party’s Women’s Conference had conducted a delivery review” being replaced with “The role of the Party’s Women’s Conference was being discussed in the first phase of the UK Labour Party Democracy Review in item 3.
  2. North Wales matters

Dr Thomas was welcomed to the meeting and outlined current issues in North Wales and the need for SHA Cymru Wales to do more to engage and develop its N. Wales membership. Officers agreed that events in S. Wales tended to dominate the agenda. Innovations in primary care in Prestatyn and other parts of N. Wales were worthy of exploration and sharing more widely. However, many of the well publicised challenges facing the Health Board remained despite the special measures regime  being in place. It was agreed that SHA would seek to arrange an event in N. Wales to explore the primary care issues further; agreed: secretary to continue to link with Dr Thomas to design the event and Dr Thomas (and other N. Wales members) be included via webex in future meetings.

Representation of N. Wales on the Central Council was also discussed and the routes onto the Central Council were outlined; Wales delegates (2) would be decided at the AGM, directly elected seats would also be contested.

  1. Arising
  2. a) Arch project: noted, changes at a senior level in ABMU may have accounted for lack of response to enquires about progress; agreed – secretary to submit FOI’s to extract answers to queries about the current status of this initiative.
  3. b) AGM and public meeting – the arrangements for the AGM and public meeting co-hosted with SEA on the 15/2/18 were discussed.
  4. c) Major Trauma – noted: our submission had been sent in
  5. d) Costs of Ageing submission – noted, the submission prepared by Dr

Gibbons and Dame June Clark had been submitted to the Finance

Committee; both were thanked for their considerable work.

  1. Central Council Issues

The Chair reported on a constructive Central Council in Sheffield. The main discussion had been about the role of non Party members in the discussions about party governance (rather than in policy development) and about approaches made by the Shadow Health and Social Care Team for further help with policy development in selected areas. It was also noted that the Labour Party had increased its affiliation fees and some wondered if this was intended to raise income or deter small bodies from participating fully in party democracy.

Given emerging party policy that was moving towards creating a National Health and Care service to succeed the NHS, changing the name of the SHA to reflect a broader remit should be considered.

  1. Labour Party issues
  2. a) Membership data – noted: the secretary had asked members (if they wished) to supply information about their party membership – if any – in order that we could identify our strength in different CLPs. Currently we have 41 members shown  – with two in arrears – and the number declaring  – or otherwise known as holding –   Labour Party membership is 24.
  3. b) Affiliations to CLPs Arising from 5a) above, membership in Aberavon and Aberconwy CLPs has been confirmed and it was agreed to further progress SHA affiliations, commencing with Aberavon where there is support for this and willing delegates. Agreed: secretary to discuss with members and write formally to the CLP secretary; treasurer to prepare cheque in due course. .
  4. c) Affiliation cost to Wales Labour Welsh Labour has sought £160 as next year’s affiliation fee – a significant increase on 2017. The treasurer has discussed this with Party officers and been advised that “they have decided to apply the rules” which apparently allow an alternative of payment of £1-50p per member. Agreed: SHA  Cymru  Wales to indicate a membership of 40 and therefore Treasurer could pay £60.
  5. d) Expectations” paper – noted: the paper had been received at Swansea West CLP but deferred to a further meeting ; noted: Cardiff West is being asked to consider it. Noted, members have received a copy of the paper and asked to consider bringing it to branches and then CLPs for debate. It has also been forwarded to the UK labour Party Democracy Review.
  6. c) Welsh Conference Noted: a delegate to the Welsh Conference (woman to maintain gender balance) needs to be agreed and also any motions or rule changes by the 17/3/18. Agreed: explore issues arising from AGM at the next officers meeting.
  7. Correspondence

Noted: there was correspondence from a member raising concerns about the Welsh Government proposal to abolish the provision of Disabled Living Allowance and to distribute both the money and the responsibility for this to local authorities – but without ring fencing the money. Agreed: officers shared the concerns of the member;  secretary to pursue concerns with relevant Welsh Ministers.


  1. Treasurers report

Current balance was £568-39.


  1. Legislation watch

Nothing further to report but an update would follow


  1. A.O.B.       
  2. a) Noted, approaches from the “Save Withybush Hospital group” for assistance with understanding emerging major proposals from Hywel Dda for changes to the hospital system; noted also reports of leaked papers raising issues about the total hospital provision in West Wales. Noted: secretary was attending a meeting in Fishguard on the 23/2/18 with the local group concerned abut Withybush Hospital. Agreed: the situation in West Wales gave SHA Cymru Wales an opportunity to raise its profile which should be considered further.
  3. b) The Socialist Educational Association are having a public meeting on the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act, speaker to be confirmed, on the 12/5/18, 14.00-16.00, in the Committee Room, The Yard, Cardiff, and would like us to co-host this; this was agreed.


  1. Next officers meeting

March 1st 4pm Cardiff