Newsletter to SHA members in
Wales: No. 11
As of 11 February 2021, 26% of the population in Wales over 16 years have received the 1st dose of a vaccine, with 0.15% receiving their 2nd dose. The Kent strain of the virus is the most dominant but other mutations have also been identified in Wales. There have been some concerns about the efficacy of the AstraZeneca vaccine with some of the variants and in countries where these mutations are more prevalent the country is undertaking more research on the vaccine. However, it appears effective against the Kent variant.
Welsh Matters
SHA Cymru All Members meeting
Thank you to those who attended this meeting via ZOOM on 19 January 2021 and all those who sent apologies.
The speaker was Dr Michael Herepath who has set up a market access strategy consultancy focussing on rare/orphan diseases. He gave a power point presentation explaining the pharma industry, health care and pharmaceuticals, and comparing the value of life and innovation. This was followed by some interesting questions from the floor. The next all members meeting will be held on 2 March 2021 7pm. The topic will be Digital Inclusion. More details to follow.
The Treasurer thanked the auditors for completing the audit and will circulate the donation form once the mandate has been finalised with the bank.
Thank you to all who contributed to the policy document which has been submitted to Wales Labour. Hopefully, some of our recommendations will make it into the manifesto.
Inverse Care Law
On 30 January 2021, Sue Thomas attending a well organised meeting arranged by Swansea University Medical students. A special newsletter is planned to honour Julian Tudor Hart on the 50th anniversary.
Public consultation on telemedical abortion – deadline 23 February 2021
Please could you take half an hour to respond to the consultation.
You can find a link to the consultation and to the British Pregnancy Advisory Service guide here
This has been circulated to members. You can complete as much or as little as you want. If anyone is having difficulties completing and returning online, please let me know and I will send you a paper copy.
SHA Scotland and Wales joint meeting on Social Care
This was an interesting meeting with presentations from Tony Beddow and Julie Morgan MS from Wales and Dave Watson and Monica Lennon MSP from Scotland. Both Nations agreed that the pandemic has highlighted the importance of social care services and staff. Moving forward there is a need for an independent review on adult social care with a public consultation on funding the services.
The joint venture was worthwhile and successful, comparing the different and similar approaches. It is intended to continue joint meetings, probably after forthcoming elections.
UK matters
All members meeting held on 30, January 2021 with main speakers Prof Allyson Pollock, President of SHA, Professor of Public Health University of Newcastle, member of independent SAGE and author of ‘The new NHS – A Guide’ and Jamie Driscoll North of Tyne Metro Mayor. Meeting notes can be found on the SHA Cymru website.
Oxfordshire SHA held a meeting on 31, January 2021 titled ‘Why do people in working class communities die young?’. The speakers were Dr Aaron Reeves. an academic at the University of Oxford who is working on how politics and policy affect health and health inequalities and Roger McKenzie, Assistant General Secretary of the trade union UNISON. There is now a stack of evidence of people in working class communities dying young. The most recent Marmot report adds to this and there are many more deaths from COVID19 too. How can we organise to end this injustice?
A Central Council meeting was held on 13, February 2021. Normally these meetings are open to all members to observe and possibly be allowed to speak, at the behest of the Chair. However, it appears that the SHA secretary did not circulate the meeting information to all members to register to attend. Several e mails to the secretary eventually resulted in an e mail arriving late the previous evening with the zoom link. Those of us who did manage to be admitted to the meeting were kept waiting. A motion was proposed and passed that there should be no voting at the AGM, which has now been deferred until 20 March 2021. This is the only opportunity that members who are not part of central council can propose and vote on, amendments to the constitution and standing orders. By passing this motion, the current officers have disenfranchised all members of SHA. Alison Scouller had proposed a freeze date, in line with previous AGM’s, to allow members to vote in the election of central council members. Gillian Black was allowed by the Chair to make a personal attack on Alison, calling her ‘very dishonest’. SHA Cymru will be sending a formal complaint about this incident. From 14/2/21-22/2/21 nomination forms will be circulated for officers and central council members, then voting will be conducted by CIVICA. Voting papers need to be returned 10/3/21-17/3/21. Please look out for these and let me know if you do not receive them.
Please keep checking the website
Members only Facebook page – to access contact Linda Lewis