NHS-70 Years Old

To the NHS at 70:  Happy Birthday

From SHA Cymru Wales: a thank you to

The young nurse on nights, in the privacy of the ward kitchen, quietly weeping alone for a young man’s life soon to end ….


The seasoned health visitor working tirelessly on the front line, coaxing two  young people through the frightening early months of parenthood…


The tired  junior doctor, in the middle of the quiet and threatening night, trying to make sense of path reports, X rays, the medical records,  and the staring-ahead woman she now sees before her…


The green suited paramedic in the pouring rain lifting a beautiful but lifeless little girl out of the carnage on a busy motorway ….


The cheeky porter joking with every frightened  patient he’s taken to theatre for  life changing surgery….


Pharmacists helping people on the high street and in the hospital….


The experienced family doctor, working late reading test results that  confirm his worst fears about a young dad he’s known since a boy….


The skilful midwife handing a new life born into the world to a proud mum ….


Physios, speech and other therapists helping to get broken bodies working again……


The wise psychiatric nurse, calmly working to repair a damaged mind and a damaged person…


Laboratory, X ray, and all diagnostic staff reading the signs from a thousand bodies a day


Consultants and cleaners, managers and cooks, and engineers continuing to  keep NHS services going, and doing their bit to preserve it….


David Lloyd George and Aneurin Bevan for having a vision of what  civilised health care looked like, and the political skills and tenacity to create it…


Any politician who still believes in it, and fights for it…..


Those of its users who respect its staff and use its services thoughtfully…….


All whose personal lives, families, and their own well being, sometimes take second place to their calling and sense of duty …….